I am grateful to Tom
Bennett, designer and builder of this fine instrument, and to Portland State University for the
opportunity to talk to you about barometers. It has been a favorite
subject for many years, which started with my participation in ocean
yacht racing in the early 80s. Barometric pressure is the key factor
in the selection on an optimum ocean sailing route.
This facility promises to be a wonderful teaching tool. When you see the atmosphere push this column of liguid up three flights of stairs, there is no better way to appreciate Torricelli's insight that "We live on bottom of an ocean of air." In just an hour of discussions with Tom as he demonstrated the instrument, we discovered a half dozen new informative study projects that could be added to the long list he had started.
When I mentioned I was
giving a talk in the shadow of the World's Tallest Barometer, one of
my associates said that he and a couple navy buddies learned about
tall barometers on the deck of a ship, 35 feet above the water line.
They had lowered a hose over the side to pump water onto the deck,
and then could not figure out why the pump would not work; they had
just used in on the dock that morning. Then his basic physics came
back to him, and he realized they can’t pump water 35 ft, no matter
how good the vacuum is at the top of the hose. Water will only rise
31 ft. This same observation is what ultimately led to the discovery
of a working barometer in the early 1600s.
Now if the ocean had been
made of this special vacuum oil used here, then their pump would have
worked just fine, and no one would have learned anything―so
we see the science sneaking into even the first thoughts of such an
And indeed, one of the
things I would like to show is that the public understanding of
barometers and barometric pressure is lagging way behind its
prominence in our lives... and especially in our language.
The first thing Sarah
Palin said to 70 million people in a vice presidential debate was
“The barometer of the economy is a soccer mom.” Jerry Seinfeld
said “The barometer of a relationship is the answering machine.”
I am not sure what either of those statements mean, but the term is
used as the holy grail of measurements, without anyone knowing what
it means.
The public comments to the
online article in The Oregonian about this project are another
example. One stated: “If they wanted a barometer, they should buy
one at Home Depot”―which
is cute enough, but misses the point more than they realize.
Barometers are not like
thermometers. If you buy a thermometer at Home Depot it will
probably work―at least
on some useable level. But if you bought a barometer at Home Depot
it almost certainly would not work. It might go up and down to some
extent, but it probably will not go up and down the right amount, and
indeed it might only go so far, and then just stop. In fact, where
the pressure matters most, at the two ends of the dial, the common
consumer grade barometers are most likely not to work properly. In
short, most such units are decorative, not functional.
But most barometer owners
don't know they are not functional, because we do not know what
function they are suppose to provide.
There is a certain
awareness that pressure is related to weather: low pressure usually
means bad weather and high pressure means good weather, and therefore
a changing barometer means changing weather, but that knowledge is
not useful if your barometer does not work right.
Ask most folks with that
knowledge how high it has to be for good weather or how low for bad
weather, or what is a fast rate of change compared to a slow rate of
change, and there won't be many valuable answers... and it is not
right to say that the right answer is there is no right answer,
because there has to be an answer. You could say there is no short
The problem is if your
barometer does not work, you do not get any useful data to compile
this answer from. Compare that with temperature. We know 90º
is hot and 30º is cold.
Going from 50º in the
morning to 70º in the
late afternoon is a big change, but not unreasonable. But 30º
in the morning and 70º at
noon is not possible, etc.
On top of that, there are
perceived functions of barometric pressure that are demonstrably
wrong, such as the correlation between atmospheric pressure and good
fishing. There are tons of Fishing Barometers on the market. Yet if a
fish changes depth an inch or two the pressure change it experiences
is far more than would ever change with the weather. There could well
be some weather conditions that do affect fishing that correlate
with the pressure, but it is certainly not the pressure itself....
not to mention that fishing barometers are typically in the category
of not working in the first place.
There are also Harvard
Medical School scientists who have correlated large pressure changes
with headaches, but it takes a black belt in statistics to appreciate
the results. On the other hand there are tons of anecdotal evidence
of that correlation.
There is also much
anecdotal evidence that low pressure can cause the water to break
earlier than expected in near full term pregnant women. That, it
would seem has a reasonable model behind it, and one that should be
easy to study from existing medical and pressure records, but I do
not know of any real data.
There are of course many
bonafide applications of accurate barometric pressure beyond its
fundamental role in meteorology and weather. I will review a couple
we have learned about over the past few years.
(1) Weather is of course
No. 1. Pressure is a key input to atmospheric computer models used to
predict the weather. I will come back to this one.
(2) Altimetry is a close
second. As you rise above the surface or climb a hill, the pressure
drops at a rate of about 0.44 mb per 12 ft (chosen so we can say
“point four four per floor”). Altimeters used in aviation are
barometers. They usually measure elevation more accurate than a GPS
can do, except possibly in special cases using the WAAS satellites.
Thus aviators, hikers, surveyors, and sky divers often rely on
accurate barometric pressure measurements.
And now it is difficult
to rank significance, so this is just a list, with no meaning to the
(3) The inverse barometer
effect. It was known to mariners in the 1800s that “the fog nips
the tide,” meaning that in foggy conditions the tide is not as high
as normal. We know now this is not the fog at work, but the pressure.
Fog is often associated with High pressure. When the tide rises, it
has to lift the atmosphere and in High pressure the air is heavier so
the tide does not go up as much. This is a small effect (1 mb of
extra pressure inhibits the tide by 1 cm), but still a crucial one to
many applications and again to our understanding of the role of
pressure in our lives.
It is, for example,
crucial to understanding the rise in global sea level, since this
factor is much larger than sea level changes over the years. It has
to be carefully factored out of all measurements so we learn what the
sea level really is.
The roll of this factor is
also strangely mis-represented on occasion by experts who know
better. The head of NOAA stated after the record storm surges
following Storm Sandy that this would not have been so bad had it not
been for the global warning induced rise of the sea level. This is
frankly not the case. Storm surge is water coming ashore that is
much higher than predicted by the tides. The vast majority of the
surge they saw was due to very Low pressure and strong onshore wind.
In fact, tide surge by definition cannot be related to sea level
height because the predicted tide heights are referenced to the known
sea levels. From our context here, this is example of not giving atmospheric pressure the attention
it deserves.
(4) Mining safety. The
safe ventilation of mines relies on measurements of relative pressure
throughout the mines, which are ultimately referenced to the station
pressure at the surface entrance. This can be a tricker measurement
than many interested parties are fully aware of. The issue is that
at high-elevation mines (some are well above 7,000 ft) even some
quality barometers might not work properly, because an are
calibrated to work at sea level. This application requires careful
consultation between mining engineers and the sellers of the
barometers they use.
(5) Calibration and
adjustment of various instruments.
• Oncology labs that
provide radiation therapy use dosimeters to calibrate the radiation
intensity. There are several ways to calibrate these, but one popular
method relies on knowing an accurate value of the station pressure at
the time of calibration.
• Crime labs must
periodically calibrate the breath analyzers used throughout their
jurisdictions, and as of last year, the method of choice now requires
an accurate station pressure.
• High precision Pick
and Place assembly line robots use a vacuum to do the lifting, and
the setting of these pumps require an accurate station pressure
during calibration.
• Inflatable life rafts
must be certified for leakage under strictly controlled conditions,
which include by law an accurate value of the station pressure at the
• High performance
racing car engines are tuned to meet atmospheric conditions before
each race. We learned from one organization that they had a definite
advantage over their main competitor because he knew the competitor
was using his barometer incorrectly. There is often a
misunderstanding about the relative role of station pressure and sea
level pressure. All of these applications mentioned need station
pressure at the time and location of the event. They do not care at
all about the (sea level) pressure the local radio station is
reporting, which could be dramatically different.
• In
analogy with the race car engines are the very much bigger engines
used to generate power in electric power stations. The output from
these engines is remarkably sensitive to pressure. A 0.3% error in
the pressure causes a 0.5% error in the output. Considering the
stations cost $100M, this is a real number.
(6) And then we come to a
favorite of mine, world records in long track speed skating. For
years it was thought that high elevation skating venues held all of
the world records and athlete’s best times because of the “fast
ice” at high elevation. There were even multiple theories published
about why the ice is so much faster at high elevation. But it is not
fast ice; it is “fast air.” This is such a fine tuned sport with
records differing by tenths or hundredths of a second, that it is
easy to show that the lower atmospheric pressure at high elevation
reduces the drag on the skaters by more than enough to account for
these observations. It is for the same reason that more home runs
are hit in Boulder, CO than in Oakland, CA. The same hit goes about
20 ft father on average in Bolder.
During our research of
this topic we found a former olympic skater who had been preaching
this for years, but no one listened to him. He was right all along.
To his credit he was telling the sport years ago that they should be
recording the atmospheric pressure with every record set.
Marine Weather
The history of meteorology
as a science owes much to the work of early mariners. Their logbook
records of wind and pressure during the age of discovery were crucial
to the development of modern meteorology. Their records led to early
theories of global weather and to an understanding of storm formation
and behavior.
The very concept of a
weather forecast came from mariners, specifically Robert FitzRoy, the
captain of Beagle who took Darwin around the world. (Darwin
was originally there to provide the captain with intelligent company
at dinner, but it obviously evolved into rather more.) It was
FitzRoy's concept to have observations on the west coast of England
telegraphed to the East coast so fishermen could be prepared. It was
known by then that midlatitude weather moved toward the east.
FitzRoy was also the
pioneer of the use of barometer for weather forecasting and analysis.
Barometer measurements are
important to weather in all walks of life, but they have a special
significance to mariners at sea, which has persisted for 300 years.
Even today, the barometer means more to sea captains than to any
other group of users—except maybe managers of power stations who
are accountable to their stock holders!
When you are at sea, it is
not a matter of just going inside if the weather gets bad. Any tool
that can warn of bad weather is crucial so the vessel can be prepared
and navigated accordingly. They are not going to pull off the road
and wait this one out. The pressure makes the wind, and the wind
makes the waves, and the waves can be a threat to any vessel.
Sailors use the barometer
for weather warnings, but they also use their barometer to find more
wind or more favorable wind more often than they use it to avoid too
much wind.
The center of the Atlantic
or Pacific ocean in the summertime is usually dominated by a broad
mountain of high pressure, which creates a windless desert on the
surface. To sail across an ocean, you must sail around this High or
get stuck like the Ancient Mariner with no wind for many days. World
sailing routes are determined by the intensity, location, and motion
of these mid-ocean Highs. With study and experience you learn how how
close you can get to the High and still have wind, but you need an
accurate barometer to map out the mountain as you go around.
But you can rightfully
ask: Don't all mariners now have satellite phones and modern weather
maps giving them the best possible forecasts? Why is the barometer
still so important?
The key to this answer are
the words “best possible.”
There will always be a forecast, that is certain. But marine
forecasts are not marked good or bad. On land we get 40% chance of
rain; but at sea you do not get 40% chance of gail. They either say
gail or they do not. (Mountain weather and fire weather have
probabilistic forecasts, but marine weather so far does not.)
And in
fact, some configurations of the atmosphere lead to much more
dependable forecasts than others. Thus it is the job of the mariner
to gather all possible data to help them evaluate and correlate the
official forecasts with what they observe.
the more sophisticated the forecasting has become, the more valuable
the barometer on each vessel becomes. A common way to get weather
data at sea these days is via digital weather maps sent by sat phone
and viewed in a computer program. These are beautiful products with
very detailed data, which is easily accessed. But this
super-convenient source of data is a direct output from numerical
models that is delivered unchecked by human meteorologists. Most of
the weather maps you see on TV etc are this same type of data—in the
US, usually from the Global Forecasting System (GFS) model. This
model does a very good job in some cases, but not all.
the mariner needs to check the model data, by comparing what the
model predicts for the pressure compared to what they actually
observe. If they agree, they can be more confident that the
forecasts are good, but if they do not agree they know to be more
cautious in their decisions.
when the forecasts, no matter what their source, are even right, it
is not uncommon that the timing is off somewhat. The storm could
have started to move faster than predicted, or slower. By watching
the barometer they know how things are actually changing.
barometer work is especially important for sailors looking for more
wind in light air. Regions of light air are not predicted well by
the forecasts, and the difference between 4 kts of wind and 8 kts of
wind is huge factor under sail.
other factor important to small craft mariners at sea is
independence. They know that all systems, including their electronic
connections to civilization, are vulnerable at sea, and if they lose
this connection, the barometer becomes paramount to their shipboard
forecasting. In the tropics for example, the pressure is very stable
and with a small standard deviation of change. A detected change from
the normal average daily pressure being observed of just 3 or 4 mb
can be a strong warning of a tropical storm approaching, even if no
other signs are apparent, especially if accompanied by the onset of a
new long, low swell.
commend Portland State University for building this beautiful
It is not only a unique teaching tool, it is a monument to the history of
science. After all, if you look into who all was involved on some
level (Aristotle, Galileo, Descartes, Pascal, Boyle, Hooke, Halley,
Locke, Leibniz, Bernoulli) and look at the ramifications it had on the evolution of philosophy, science, and maritime achievements, it is fair to say
that the “Barometer of the history of science” is “the history
of the barometer itself.
Reference links:

Location of instrument if you get a chance to visit: 45º 30.560' N, 122º 40.880'W
Go in the door and turn right.
To check for an accurate reference pressure, see www.starpath.com/barometers
To see the historical accuracy of the various pressure stations nearby see:
David, thanks for posting this - just saw it. Will send you a photo of the top of the barometer - uv light has turned the clear barometer oil a pale ale color, making the column much more visible.
Tom Bennett, Portland State University: Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept.
I just bought a barometer for my boat. It has not even arrived yet. I am glad I found this article because I thought a compensated barometer needed to be calibrated once and that was it. Now I have another instument to tweak and tinker like the rest of my collection of navigation instruments. Thank you for the interesting article
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