David Burch Navigation Blog
Notes on marine navigation and weather
Monday, December 9, 2024
Squall Forecasts
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Barometers and Marine Navigation
Even in the age of high-speed internet at sea, remarkable weather model forecasts, and satellite wind measurements, our knowledge of the correct atmospheric pressure, and how it changes with time, remains the key to safe, efficient routing decisions. Pressure data are also the most direct means of evaluating the model forecasts that we ultimately rely on for routing.
Productive barometer use in navigation is a relatively new concept—it was actually used more effectively in the 1700s than in the 1900s! The Barometer Handbook explains its interesting history and its role in marine navigation. The major change came when accurate, affordable digital barometers started to find their way on to boats. Now we have many options. Chances are the barometer in your phone is the most accurate barometer on the boat, and the easiest to use with a good app. Several options for mobile devices and computers are listed at starpath.com/marinebarometer, which also includes a link to an extensive set of barometer resources.
Phone barometers are typically accurate to better than ± 2 mb right out of the box, and it is relatively easy to improve on that with online resources given in the link above. The goal would be to get its accuracy down to < 1 mb, which is the effective standard used in the buoy and ship reports shown on surface analysis maps. Map pressures and forecasts give the pressures to a precision of 0.1 mb, so we can make comparisons on that level, keeping in mind the overall uncertainty.
Unlike aneroid barometers, modern sensor accuracies do not vary much (just a few tenths) over the full pressure range we expect at sea—940 mb to 1040 mb, always hoping to avoid the two ends! Thus setting it to the right pressure at any value is effectively calibrating it over the full range. One fast way to calibrate in US coastal waters is to make regular comparisons with NOAA stations accessed through tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov. Procedure: (1) Go to the site and click your state. (2) Turn on Barometric pressure on the right. (3) Zoom in to find two pressures to interpolate between. (4) Consider this to be the correct sea level pressure (SLP) at the moment, compare this to your barometer reading, and record the difference in a logbook. These data are updated every 6 min.
Remember your pressure will be lower than the sea level value even if your barometer is spot on because you are at some height above sea level. Precise corrections are in the resources cited above, but you can compute the correction with the jingle "Point four four per floor," which means the pressure drops 0.44 mb for each 12 ft above sea level. Correct your reading for your height before comparing the two.
With a calibrated barometer we are ready to tackle some weather applications. Many ocean sailing routes are going around Highs because there is no wind in the middle of the Highs. We may be following a rule of thumb, such as stay two isobars (8 mb) off the central pressure, or we might be following a computed route that often takes us dangerously close to the High. In any event, knowing how the High is moving is crucial information. With a good barometer you can tell if the pressure is rising or falling very quickly, because the instruments can dependably show steady changes of just a few tenths of a mb.
When interpreting any pressure change, we need to keep several things in mind. The pressure will go up if the High is indeed moving toward us, or if it is not moving, and we are sailing toward it. It can also go up if neither one of us is moving, but the High is just building. So, we need to watch our track on the chart compared to the isobars on the chart from the model forecast we are using to properly interpret changes detected. At lower latitudes, we also must correct for the semidiurnal variation of the pressure caused by a tidal effect in the atmosphere. It is a variation of about ± 1.7 mb, with two highs and two lows daily. Check out a pressure plot from any ndbc.noaa.gov station in the tropics to see the pattern.
A good barometer is especially valuable sailing in waters prone to tropical storms, because the standard deviation of the pressure is very low in these waters—typically 2 mb or so. When sailing there for some time, you will know the mean ambient pressure for that time and place (after correcting for semidiurnal variation), which might be about 1013 mb. Then when you observe the average pressure drop to 1009, you know this is almost certainly the approach of a tropical storm, even if the wind or clouds have not signaled it. A drop of 2 standard deviations has only a 2.3% chance of being a statistical variation of the pressure. This does not work at higher latitudes because the standard deviations are much larger.
As a general guideline to the interpretation of pressure drops at any latitude, we suggest the rule "4-5-6" meaning any change of 4 or 5 mb over a 6 hr period is fair warning that bad weather might be headed your way. Not guaranteed, just a guideline to practice with to see how well it works for you. Drops of much less than that do not usually signify anything, and much more than that often puts you past the realm of forecasting. It is there. With a good barometer we can monitor this guideline precisely.
Beyond those couple examples of pressure as forecaster, a key role of the barometer these days is for evaluating numerical forecasts. Remember, there will always be a model forecast, and they are not marked good or bad. It is up to us to evaluate the forecast in every way we can before setting routes based upon it. We would also do this with the wind speed and wind direction, but both have several corrections to apply, plus they rely on instruments that are difficult to calibrate accurately. With the barometer we can know before we leave the dock that our barometer is spot on, and then we are just comparing two numbers.
For this evaluation, we need to log the measured pressure at least at every synoptic time (00, 06, 12, 18 UTC). We then look back over our track on the screen to where we were at the synoptic time and compare our pressure to what the forecast says. If the pressures agree within a mb, we have a hopeful sign the forecast could be right, but we learn more if they notably do not agree. Then we know the forecast is wrong on some level. With practice we can likely piece together, including using the wind data, how it might be wrong—i.e., too early, or too late; isobars rotated, Low or High deeper than forecasted, and so on. The barometer gives us one clean, indisputable data point to use.
Six-minute pressure reports from tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov. If you were in Salisbury, MD your correct SLP would be (1018.6 + 1017.4)/2 = 1018.0
Sunday, October 27, 2024
USCG License Exams Come of Age — Tide Wise
In 2020 NOAA announced that this was the last year they were going to authorize an annual set of tables for tides or for currents. The tables were called:
Tide Tables
2020 East Coast of North and South America Including Greenland
2020 Europe and West Coast of Africa Including the Mediterranean Sea
2020 Central and Western Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean
2020 West Coast of North and South America Including the Hawaiian Islands
Tidal Current Tables
2020 Atlantic Coast of North America
2020 Pacific Coast of North America and Asia.
Prior to 2021, these were "the official sources." All other third-party printed or electronic presentations of US tide and current data, readily found along the waterways and cybersphere, were derived from these, sometimes mixing up actual locations or confusing standard times and daylight times.
These are what we called "The Tide Tables" or "The Current Tables" that were either required or recommended to be on all vessels. These tables included daily data for numerous Reference Stations and then a Table 2 that included corrections to be applied to thousands of Secondary Stations.
That ended in 2021. And despite the fact that some third party companies still print these tables including the Table 2 data that they reproduce from the 2020 tables, the data are not valid. Hundreds of those secondary stations have been discontinued and values for many others have changed.
But more to the point at hand, up till just recently, the USCG license exams still tested on the Table 2 procedures using the old Table 2 data, which has been totally wrong for nearly 5 years now. Many schools around the country still teach this method as well.
The USCG has now corrected that and their new exams treat tides and currents in the modern, correct manner, which is outlined below. This greatly simplifies this important part of navigation. We wrote several notes on this in the past:
No More Tide and Currents Table 2 — Navigation Students Celebrate!
NOAA Discontinues Tide and Current Books — What Do We Do Now?
You can review these for background and in the second one for step by step procedures for most efficient access to the new data, including how to make your own set of annual tables
Another aspect of the simplicity (progress) is that tide and current questions are now essentially the same for entry level OUPV license exams as they are for unlimited ocean master.
Here is an example.
The diagrams included are:
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Wreck Symbols on Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC)
The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) describes light symbols as the most complex electronic navigational chart (ENC) symbols in their own published standard for the symbols called IHO Pub S-52, Annex A, Presentation Library. Anyone can download Pub S-52, but the Presentation Library costs 500 euros! Draft copies found online have many errors, and can lead to hours of wasted time with no productive results.
But the IHO does not give themselves all the credit they deserve regarding complex symbols. Let's take a look at the rules for wreck symbols on ENC, for example.
There are six wreck symbols presented below with the official IHO Symbol Explanations, followed by our notes on the required attributes, which are explained in more detail later in the post. Five of the six are essentially the same wreck symbols used on paper charts, but the complexity comes into play because now we know the rules that determine which symbol is used for which category of wreck, and this new specificity is both a virtue and a challenge to those who must display the proper symbols or write books on their meanings. Plus we have the all new concept of isolated danger symbol unique to ENC.
This type of symbol inquiry is good practice working with ENC objects and attributes, which will become more important to mariners as we learn to live without traditional paper charts, relying on the ENC as the only official nautical charts.
Symbol Name: SY(WRECKS01)
IHO Symbol Explanation: wreck showing any portion of hull or superstructure at level of chart datum.
Attributes: VALSOU not given; CATWRK = 4 or 5 or WATLEV = 1, 2, 4, or 5. This symbol means there is no sounding given for the wreck and some part of it is showing at all stages of the tide.
The IHO reference to "chart datum" means "sounding datum," which is always zero tide height on all ENC from any nation.
Symbol Name: SY(WRECKS04)
IHO Symbol Explanation: non-dangerous wreck, depth unknown.
Attributes: VALSOU not given; CATWRK = 1; and WATLEV = 3. In other words, no sounding given, it is charted as not dangerous, and it is always underwater.
Symbol Name: SY(WRECKS05)
IHO Symbol Explanation: dangerous wreck, depth unknown.
Attributes: VALSOU not given; CATWRK = 2; and WATLEV = 3. In other words, no sounding given, charted as dangerous, and always underwater.
Some symbol reference books imply that "dangerous" or "non-dangerous" is determined by the location of the wreck relative to the safety contour, but that is not the case. Dangerous or non-dangerous is coded into the ENC by the Hydrographic Office that made the chart, using rules they set. As noted below, NOAA charts all wrecks known to be shallower than 20.1 m as dangerous, keeping in mind that these are wrecks whose exact soundings are not known.
Wrecks can also be plotted as a generic hazard (meaning rock, wreck, or obstruction) with one of these symbols when the value of sounding (VALSOU) of the wreck is known.
Symbol Name: SY(DANGER01)
IHO Symbol Explanation: underwater hazard with a defined depth.
Attributes: VALSOU less than or equal to the mariner's choice of Safety Depth. The known sounding is then printed in the center of the symbol. Black if less that the safety depth; gray if deeper.
IHO Symbol Explanation: "underwater hazard with depth greater than 20 metres." [SIC]
Attributes: VALSOU greater than the mariner's choice of Safety Depth.
The official IHO Symbol Explanation given above, taken from the latest edition Presentation Library, is not correct. There is a detailed Conditional Symbology Procedure (CSP) explaining when to use this symbol, and it is based on the Safety Depth, not on a fixed 20 meters depth. Both the US and the UK Chart No. 1 booklets include the incorrect reference to 20 meters. Consequently, some navigation apps (ECS) also do not make this depth distinction correctly, so the symbols in those apps do not change from blue to clear at the correct sounding. It is not a major effect navigationally, but reflects the complexity of the symbol.
The known sounding is then printed in the center of the symbol. Black if less that the safety depth; gray if deeper.
IHO Symbol Explanation: isolated danger of depth less than the safety contour.
Attributes: This is a complex, but valuable symbol unique to ENC. It automatically replaces hazard symbols depending on the depth and location of the hazard. It warns us of hazards (based on our own definition of safe depth) that are located in deeper water where we would not expect them.
Specifically, if a wreck is outside of the displayed safety contour and it has a sounding less than the requested safety contour—or its sounding is not given—then the wreck symbol is replaced with the isolated danger symbol—depending on several other properties of the wreck. That procedure applies to all hazards (rocks, wrecks, and obstructions).
Most ENC users are familiar with that role of the isolated danger symbol, but not so many realize that the reference sounding is the requested safety contour, not the displayed safety contour, and this is not at all clear in the IHO Symbol Explanation.
We have in practice two safety contours. We have the one we requested, say 8 m, and we have the one displayed on the screen, which might be 10 m, because only contours native to the ENC can be assigned as the displayed safety contour. This special contour is then made bold and it separates two prominent water colors, and also triggers various alarms when crossed. If our requested contour is not in the ENC, the next deepest contour is selected for display.
For example, we request a safety contour of 8 m, but there is none in the ENC, so the active safety contour displayed is at 10 m. On the deep side of the 10 m safety contour there is a wreck with a sounding of 7 m. This is shallower than our requested 8 m and outside the displayed safety contour at 10 m, so this one will be replaced by an isolated danger symbol.
If we then change our requested safety contour to 6 m, the displayed safety contour will stay at 10m, but now our wreck is deeper than our requested safety contour, so it will not be replaced with an isolated danger symbol.
I might stress that this symbol depends on a value of the safety contour; whereas the distinction between DANGER01 and DANGER02 above (blue or clear inside a dotted oval) depends on the value of the safety depth. Some nav apps (ECS) do not follow the IHO and IMO guidelines of having a user selected safety depth in addition to the safety contour, so they then use the same value for both symbols.
Those are all of the possible symbols for a wreck. Any wreck on the chart will be one of those symbols. The tricky part is how does a specific nav app (electronic charting system, ECS), decide which symbol to show? This is not such an easy question. The rules (outlined briefly above) are spelled out in the S-52 Presentation Library, which in turn depend on the specific attributes of the object WRECK. These attributes are encoded into the ENC using rules from another IHO standard called S-57.
The attributes of the object WRECK that determine how it should be plotted are:
WATLEV, water level effect
VALSOU, value of sounding
CATWRK, category of wreck
EXPSOU, exposition of sounding
Every WRECK must have a WATLEV, plus it must have either a VALSOU or a CATWRK. You can review these attributes at caris.com/s-57.
WATLEV describes the visibility of the wreck as the tide changes. The options are:
ID Meaning
1 partly submerged at high water
2 always dry
3 always under water/submerged
4 covers and uncovers
5 awash
6 subject to inundation or flooding
7 floating
A wreck with WATLEV = 3, always submerged, with no sounding given, will have one of the traditional wreck symbols we are used to from traditional paper charts, WRECKS04 or WRECKS05.
CATWRK can have a direct influence on the symbol used. The options are:
ID Meaning
1 non-dangerous wreck
2 dangerous wreck
3 distributed remains of wreck
4 wreck showing mast/masts
5 wreck showing any portion of hull or superstructure
Each nation making ENC have to establish how they are going to define a wreck as dangerous or not. It is not spelled out in the IHO S-57. NOAA's own Chart Manual, Vol 3, Section 6.3.2 on ENC production states that all NOAA ENC will encode any wreck as dangerous if it is known to be shallower than 20.1 m. They do not need to know its actual sounding, only this limit.
EXPSOU has a more subtle effect on the symbol. The options are:
ID Meaning
1 within the range of depth of the surrounding depth area
2 shoaler than the range of depth of the surrounding depth area
3 deeper than the range of depth of the surrounding depth area
This attribute only affects whether or not a wreck symbol (or any hazard) can show up as an isolated danger symbol. If the exact sounding of a wreck is not known, but it is known that the depth of the wreck is deeper than the shallowest contour of the depth area it is in (ie EXPSOU = 1) then this wreck will not show as an isolated danger symbol. The goal is to avoid the unnecessary display of isolated danger symbols.
Also we note the commonality of all hazard symbols on ENC. For most encounters it does not matter at all if we are avoiding a rock, wreck, or obstruction, and indeed more often than not they have the same symbols.
Here is a graphic summary of the wreck symbols
1. Top of the wreck is 3 m above the water when the tide is zero. The underline means drying height.
2. Sounding not known, but some part of the wreck must show when the tide is zero.
3. Same as 2, but can be in deeper water if tall enough to show when tide is zero, i.e., if it is 5 m tall it could be in a sounding of 4 m.
4. Sounding to the top of the wreck is 5 m, which is less than the safety depth so the sounding is printed black.
5. Encoded in the ENC as dangerous wreck, with no sounding given.
6. Same as 5.
7. Wreck located on the deep side of the displayed safety contour with a sounding less than the requested safety contour, which is usually same as safety depth, or the sounding is not given.
8. Sounding to the top of the wreck is 15 m, which is more than the safety depth so the sounding is printed in gray. Black vs gray on the sounding color is a property of the sounding itself, not the wreck. It changes at the safety depth for all soundings on the screen.
9. Encoded in the ENC as a non-dangerous wreck, with no sounding given.
Note this display uses the 2-color option, but using the 4-color option does not affect the wreck symbols.
A couple last details about the object Sounding (SOUNDG).
A wreck with known sounding can also have an attribute Technique of sounding (TECSOU), and value 6 means "Swept by wire drag," so the the sounding is accurate. When TECSOU=6, the sounding gets underlined with a horizontal bracket, as shown below, which is in a sense a different wreck symbol, but it is actually the sounding symbol, not the wreck, that is different. These are fairly common in some areas.
A circle around any sounding, not just those on a wreck, means the value of the sounding is uncertain. There is an attribute QUASOU, quality of the sounding, that applies to wrecks and soundings in general, which can take on values of:
1 depth known
2 depth unknown3 doubtful sounding4 unreliable sounding5 no bottom found at value shown6 least depth known7 least depth unknown, safe clearance at value shown8 value reported (not surveyed)9 value reported (not confirmed)10 maintained depth11 not regularly maintained.
1 surveyed2 unsurveyed3 inadequately surveyed4 approximate (the old PA from printed charts)5 position doubtful (the old PD from printed charts)6 unreliable7 reported (not surveyed)8 reported (not confirmed)9 estimated10 precisely known11 calculated.